Friday, August 4, 2006


Holy moly! Since 7pm we have:
  • cleaned up a large cat vomit all over the bathroom (toilet/tile floor etc)
  • helped Son #1 vomit into said toilet (glad I cleaned it first!)
  • got Mae out of the tub when she pooped
  • cleaned the tub
  • discovered a pool of cat pee on Sam's bed (they have been mad at us since our return)
  • stripped the bed, cleaned the mattress pad/pillow & started a load of laundry, changed the sheets, found a throw pillow downstairs and convinced him to sleep in Ted's bed tonight.
  • cleaned more cat vomit from our bedroom floor
  • helped Ted throw up a few more times before going to bed
This is one of those evenings that just makes us both laugh. What the HECK is up with our animals, why do we even have animals we need the extra vomit & pee in our house anyway...and how funny/enraging/nuts is it that all of this happened in the last hour? At least they don't yowl all night long anymore...just starting at 5am. *sigh*

This pic is one I found while I was searching for a pic of the cats together (umm..not many of those lately). This was taken at the playroom at the Dolton Hotel, Changsa. I remember just watching her in amazement.


Beth and Shayna said...

And I thought I was having a rough couple of hours. So sorry sweetie. At least you can laugh.

Trixie said...

Oh my! Your cats must know our cats!