Tuesday, September 12, 2006

she told a joke!

This morning Mae and I were playing with her old-fashioned plastic rings, the kind you stack on a stick. She carefully stuck the blue ring on one foot, matching the green one that had happened to get stuck on her other foot. She looked up at me, laughed out loud, and signed "shoes" with glee. What a funny kid!

She also had her very first haircut today. The hairstylist trimmed the 'new hair fringe' which is as bangs as I'm going to go, and then trimmed up the sides and back and styled it SO CUTE. So cute, in fact, that I signed up for a "Styling Your Daughter's Hair" class in October! I mean seriously, she's got to have cute hair to match the rest of her adorable-ness, don't you think? Having a girl is F-U-N! Oh, but back to reality-she screamed blue murder and arched her back the whole time. *sigh* She threw all of the toys offered her on the floor with fury and only calmed down when allowed to suck on the top of a gel bottle. ?!?


Anonymous said...

Yes! Little girls are fun!! .. I always said so! .. That's really cute, to take lessons on styling her hair. .. I hope hers is easier to manage than yours. .. At least, she can't have inherited all our cowlicks! .. Mom

Ellen said...

WRONG!!!!!!!! This girl has my exact same cowlick..it is CRAZY. I will never be able to part her hair down the middle. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow and send it to you. Ted has it too but it doesn't matter with a boy. Isn't that weird?!

Anonymous said...

There's that "red thread" again! .. Mom