Friday, December 8, 2006

first friend

Today my camera malfunctioned, so this is an old pic. Henry and Mae were being so cute together. They were both kneeling next to each other on the top step up to the kitchen, stringing chunky wooden beads on a shoelace-like string. They were cracking each other up. Henry would correctly identify the color for Mae, and she would attemp to repeat him. And then they would laugh. Later, they were passing their matching blankies back and forth. Henry would say, "This is Henny's. This is mei-mei's." And Mae would babble something back at him. They were so cute. Today was my last day of Henry-duty, and while it's been challenging wrangling two so close in age, it absolutely warms my heart to see them actually playing together. Mae says "ah-ri!" (think of Henri, with a French accent) with such excitement. He's her first friend. Aww!!

1 comment:

Beth and Shayna said...

How cute with Mae and Henry. And how sad that your last day with him was yesterday. You did a great job with both of them on Fridays.