Monday, February 5, 2007

Ted's OT Follow Up

Well this was interesting. My mind is spinning so here come the bullets!
  • The OT thinks he would benefit from some OT, so we are going to try and get it past insurance.
  • She will write up a plan for his teachers to follow; i.e., if you want Ted to sit for 20min at 10am, have him move heavy chairs and tables around at 9:45 to get him primed for sitting.
  • She recommended physical activities like swimming and rock climbing over soccer because they demand heavy work but also intense concentration (sort of like the yoga he is doing now and loving so much.)
  • She wants him tested for 'food sensativities.' Dairy, soy and wheat gluten are hard to digest and are often linked to hyperactivity (because the undigested enzymes enter the bloodstream and go to the brain) and asthma (because those foods produce a thicker mucus in the lungs).
  • She thinks he has 'migrating' tic-like behavior. Meaning, while he was ticking badly in the early fall, those have faded and a new behavior seems to have taken its place (don't really want to go there on the blog...). Rather than an emotional issue, she thinks it is simply a new way to express his physical sensations, which is what ticking is, apparently.
  • Bonus: she thinks Horizons will be an excellent school for him. Because the class size is so small, the teachers have more time to focus on each individual child without taking away from the rest of the class. I was thrilled to hear her say it was a good fit.
There is probably more, but that is all I can muster at this point. It has been a really long day but ended nicely with the boys making up silly words to their bedtime stories. And Mae is now into 'eskimo kisses' which is just the cutest thing. She is so funny. Tomorrow is Sam's scoping-yikes! Hope he is cooperative.

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