Wednesday, June 20, 2007

crazy day

Today Mae and Ariel had a little photo shoot together and then I took the girls to the bagel store. They split an egg and cheese on a spinach bagel and a peaches 'n cream smoothie. Both girls loved the smoothie...Ariel didn't care much for the egg but liked the melted cheese on the bagel. More than her cookie, actually. She is so cute. I took Mae home for her nap, only to receive a call from the JCC half an hour later. Renee thought that Ted shouldn't stay for Enrichment; apparently he was having a very emotional day and had his feelings hurt. He'd been crying for a long time and wanted to come home. So I got Mae up again and off we went. We did make a DQ stop to help in the cheering up process. He seemed fine to me, although he was very mad at his friend. He confronted him in the hall, hands on his hips, and said loudly, "How'd you like it if YOU were me and I didn't help YOU? How would that make YOU feel?" Good words, Ted! He and Sam watched Star Wars VI while Mae took another nap. I wanted to go to the pool tonight but Sam is pretty fried so we may just lay low. My car said 98 today. We turned on the air for the first time today. Bummer.

1 comment:

Beth and Shayna said...

Mae and her friend are too cute!

Good for Ted for standing up for himself. But a bummer his day was on a sour note. It seems like it ended up better. You are a great mom, DQ and a movie, you rock!