Friday, March 27, 2009

even more fun in the snow

This morning the kids played outside in their snow forts for much of the morning. It was a beautiful sunny day, not too cold at all. We also explored the backyard, which was buried in beautiful pristine snow. It came up to the top of the "baby" slide on the play structure. After a mellow afternoon of baking, phonics and The Emperor's New Groove movie, we went to the hill to sled. All three kids loved sledding this year. Ted flipped his sled at one point and landed on his head on the ice, which made him very sad and also done for the day. Mae loved going all the way down the big hill on Daddy's lap. And Sam! Sam went down the first time with Ted (so sweet. If I hadn't been holding the sled for them while they maneuvered themselves on top of it I would have snapped a picture). After that, he was unstoppable. He took the little single sled and trudged to the top of the hill, over and over again. He LOVED it.
Tomorrow we'll go out again, but maybe a little later in the morning to let it soften up a bit. Either that or have them wear their ski helmets. We have Ole treats, GF banana bread, GF sandwich bread and a yummy quinoa salad, the culinary successes of the day. The GF almond butter cookies disappeared in a day, so we'll have to make some more treats tomorrow. Two more days of "vacation!" Monday is going to be very hard. (and yes, that hill really IS that steep!)

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