Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I thought I'd share what Ted is thankful for this year. We had T-day at our friend Randi's house. Her two kids are the same age as mine, Tara's and Heather's, so it was a nice group of people! She had a cute little craft project for them to do: tell what you're thankful for, write it on a leaf, and glue it to a tree. The whole thing is made out of foam and is a picture frame with a magnet on the back. Very cute. Ted's is drying now and we've lost the sign...tomorrow we'll fix it up and I'll replace the pic with his version. Some of the things he's thankful for are: robots, Yoda, knights, lollipops, superheroes, Star Wars, rescue heroes, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, trees and Power Rangers. Trees? Interesting one considering the rest. The others' were so sweet: mommy, daddy, soft jammies etc...and then there is Ted! After the wonderful feast Ted and I stopped off at Danna's, mostly because I wanted to meet her boyfriend of over a year. What a great guy! Anyone who will wrestle with Ted for that long is a hero in my book! I'm so glad to have met him.
So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know what I'm thankful for: my wonderful growing family and the beautiful place I live...I am so incredibly lucky.
The Xmas lights were turned on as we drove home...onto a hard season for us. How much to tell Ted, how much to just pass off as pretty...he still calls Santa 'the red snowman'...maybe it's time for a chat? Soon enough it will be January...and hopefully we'll FINALLY get that referral!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellen ~ I don`t think you need worry about Ted and the things he is thankful for. Not when he asked to skip going to the farm to see the horse because he wanted to be with you all day!!