Sunday, July 9, 2006

what a party!

We had a fabulous time at Mae's party! Thank you, Mom! It was wonderful to see Yasmin, Rosa & Jenny again, as well as our wonderful HS French teacher, Ms Ciccione! Rosa's parents and Connie were a special treat...I think the last time I saw them was when Ted was 3 months old. My grad school voice teacher was there too and it was so nice to catch up with her...I really miss having her in my life! It was also really fun to meet Phoebe and her family, mom Leslie, dad Wayne and big brothers Henry and Charlie. I followed their blog to China and back last March and feel like I know them personally. The boys got along great, as I thought they might. Phoebe is much more shy than Mae, although it may be an age thing, as she is now 16months old and more sensible! It was a long day, especially for the boys who didn't nap, but a fun one. What a nice way to touch bases with old friends. It is just too hard to see everyone I want to see in the few short days we have here. This was perfect. Thanks again for all your hard work, Mom, and all your patience, Dad!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun party! Sounds like Trisha did a great job.