Mission accomplished! We have found a local Chinese school for Mae. It is called
Little Treasures Chinese School and the classes are held on Saturdays at the JCC! Although I think CCAI's school, the Joyous Chinese Children's Center, is probably one of the best Chinese schools out there, it's also 45+ minutes away. Hardly the place to meet friends you can play with during the week, you know? I'm not sure I will stay with Little Treasures...2 of my good friends who have guided me through this process liked it for their young children, but once their girls were 4ish, they needed a REAL school that would truly give them a deep sense of Chinese identity. LTCS does snack, some songs and a craft (for the little ones, anyway), not really enough for the older ones, but plenty for the under 3 age group I think. We are excited. It is so inexpensive that we feel confident we can commit to a Saturday at 11am class-rather inconvienent timing, really. We will have to miss for High Holy Days and probably for a chavurah event that gets scheduled for the morning, but in general we should be fine. I am really looking forward to hooking up with other families with young Chinese children in the Boulder area. While I adore our travel group, all but one has returned to work, making playdates impossible. We are trying to work in a potluck once a month but even that is hard. Hopefully we can make some good friends this way and how perfect for it to be at the J! Next Saturday the 9th is Orientation and the first class. Mae will be in the Crickets class, for babies up to 24 months old.
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