Wednesday, October 25, 2006

damn you Betty Crocker

Don't try these. They aren't really THAT amazing (esp for 8 points per bowl) and don't even THINK you can eat only half the bowl, because you can't. Well, I can't anyway. The chocolate chip one was my downfall. Warm, gooey (forgot to follow the high altitude directions - results extraordinary), fast and comforting. Not what I need to know about going into the winter season. C'mon, iron will, where are you when I need you?

And yet another cute hairstyle. Cuter still when wet hair had dried-her hair is really thick and when it's wet it doesn't quite do it justice. I love the way the part just slices across her head. She was being very agreeable and looking down for your viewing pleasure.
Last night was terrible. She was up every hour or so. It was murder, especially after the night before. I did take her in for an ear check and she does have fluid in her ears (common post-cold) so maybe that is bugging her. Gotta hope hope hope. She wouldn't nap today either. Do they make Baby Ambien? heh.


Trixie said...

Love the hair! I have thick hair too and you are right, it has to be dry for the most viewing pleasure :)

Anonymous said...

Love the hairstyle - and what a cute and cooperative model! Maybe I'll try the 2 hairstyles you've shown on Phoebe. So sorry about Mae's (and yours, I suppose....) sleep issues. I hope it starts improving - hang in there. In the meantime, she sure is cute to look at (but maybe not at 2a.m.). Good luck tonight! Leslie