Friday, November 10, 2006

are we ready for 3 fishies?

After talking with Judy, the founder of Infant Aquatics, and hashing it out with Paul tonight, we are going to start Mae in the IAS program. Judy pointed out that the younger the child is, the less of a struggle it is. That's true- Sam didn't fuss much as a baby. Once he turned 2.5 he started to protest and only recently has begun to enjoy swimming. Ted was a fan from Week 2 of the program. I have many reasons to do this program with Mae, the #1 being the FACT that she is 1 of 3 children, and try as I may, I can't keep 2 eyes on 3 kids at the pool. And we love the pool. And it's free. And it's the #1 best treatment for Ted's lung issues. So there it is. The fact that they end up being terrific swimmers is a bonus; it's the safety that's the point. I know that last week I had a hard time with Judy and her anger at Ted's behavior. But after lots of talk with friends, it's the truth that I'm not paying for her to be a sensitive person. I'm paying for her knowledge and expertise. And for that, I can put up with the rest. So, before she gets too old and it's all about the drama, Mae is going to start lessons in the next few weeks. This is a pain...every day for 10min and I'm usually in the water. Blech. And then after the 4-6weeks of lessons begins the once-a-week baby classes, til they are 2.5, when they can finally go in without a parent. It's a LONG LONG HAUL. But in the end, I do think it's worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are as heroic as you father was! . I'm sure it will be worth it, for Mae and for all of you, but I know it's not going to be very easy for you. . So I applaud you! . Mom