Thursday, November 9, 2006

Plan B

I spoke with my TG friend Colleen yesterday. She told me about a friend of hers, home a year now with her daughter from China, who followed the same rules we did to help her daughter sleep through her panic awakenings. The plan worked 'for the month of June' and she is now back where she started. Mae has slept badly since last Friday night...the plan worked for 11 nights. I can't even do the 'proactive' soothing, because she is up crying way earlier than hour increments. Monday night was B-A-D. Tuesday night was better but still not good (5-6 awakenings between 10pm-6am). So, last night, after a week of reading and re-reading good 'ole Dr. Weissbluth (of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child fame), I tried it. After all, in his method, we had already completed Steps 1 & 2. Step 1 was to always respond...always soothe back to sleep. Check. We'd done that for months. Step 2 was to soothe but not respond physically or emotionally. Check. Been doing that for 2 weeks. Step 3...close the door and don't return til morning. Yikes. This method worked with Sam, btw, which is why I have the book. I timed her and while she woke every 45 minutes, she cried for less than 4 minutes each time. Not bad. At 5:15am I probably should have given her a bottle, but hoped she'd go back 5:30 I finally gave her a bottle and she slept til 6:45. I am encouraged. She didn't look exhausted or traumatized this morning (the pic is from Tuesday...the day after the night from Hell). She's full of giggles and is practicing a very cute running style. This usually takes 3 nights, and I am ready for tonight. Bring it on. We all need the sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck Ellen. I'll be thinking of you and hopefully tonight will be a little bit better.