Tuesday, December 12, 2006

patient croc

Here's a pic of Sam from yesterday, when he was feeling pretty down. As long as he had his croc costume on, he was pretty cheerful. Sweet pea. Today all three went to the pediatric dentist (cough...choke...gasp). Ted's teeth are perfect although he wants to fill the molars next time because there are such deep grooves in them (just like mine). Sam flipped out and they had to scale back their plan with him, but his teeth are great and the spacing is evening out now...hooray! Last time they were really squished in there but it's all working itself out as he grows. Mae pitched a royal fit, of course, but the good news is that her teeth look great. She has a very strong under-bite, typical for Asians, apparently, but good teeth. When we got her she had none, so the dentist thinks the good nutrition she got once with us helped make her first teeth so strong. Hooray! We are broke, but healthy. You can't take the money with you, right? So they say...

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