Ted's first OT appointment was so interesting. They started with 'brushing' and Joint Compression. Ted LOVED it and has let me do it at home too. We're supposed to do it 3 times a day. Then they moved on to "Superman," while he threw beanbags through a hole (because he was having WAY too much fun on the swing alone!) "You need to calm your engine down, my friend," was the OT's comment to him. They did some work on a Hippity Hop (remember these?!) including hopping sideways and backwards. Fun stuff. Then they did some mouth work, with the little nubby NUK thingee, with applesauce and Lemonade powder. I'm not sure that he really needs that; I think his enunciation is fine, but whatever; it was a change of pace for him anyway. Then they did a thing where he lay with his tummy on a skateboard-like thing and used his hands to roll himself around the room, picking up various puzzle pieces (up to 3 at one time, so he had to remember the 3rd one after getting the first two-not easy for him). 45 minutes of hard work-he was pretty tired. But he had a fabulous day and was a superstar in soccer today...great listening and being cooperative. I'm glad he likes the brushing-I've heard that this can really do wonders. And she agreed with me about the food sensativity testing. She said so many of her patients end up cutting out those foods and seeing such a difference. In that light, while we wait for our bloodtest (which we'll probably do at his 5yr appt next week to avoid double needles!) I've bought some spelt bread (which he likes) and am trying to find a nut milk he'll drink. He's very understanding about trying to enjoy a different milk and will make an excellent vegan someday, that's for sure.
In the meantime, Paul is worse today than he was yesterday and I am tired. Off to bed!! After I fix their lunches, run the dishwasher, fold the laundry and clean up the house. Aw, fo-geddabout-it!
1 comment:
First I want to say I am impressed with your vegan efforts! I am primarily a vegan (have been for 3-4 years) - I say primarily because I do fudge with chocolate and when I go out to eat, I probably get some dairy products now and then... Also, I am an OT but I primarily work with adults who have sustained neurological injuries. I understand the sensory integration stuff it souns like Ted did in therapy - and all that other fun stuff that helps with so many things.
I enjoy your blog!
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