I forgot to mention that Ted had 4 vials of blood drawn today to test for food sensativities. He was a ROCK STAR! Tara had told me about a prescription cream to apply an hour before, to numb the skin. I asked our pharmicist about an OTC version and she provided one. A quick call to Stacy S. about how to apply it and we were all set. He was really scared and weepy going in, but as soon as the needle (called a butterfly) went in, he sat up, said, "It doesn't hurt at all!" and proceeded to ask a million questions about red blood cells and platelets (thank you, Magic School Bus!) He zoned out after the 3rd vial and almost fell asleep. We went to Pump It Up! for a reward but he was pretty tired and actually napped today. After nap he seemed his normal self. We get the results in a week, at his 5-year Well Check. Too bad the cream won't work for Kindergarten shots.
1 comment:
Yay Ted! What a tough little guy - and Mommy. I would have been a mess. Hope the results are able to provide some answers - T
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