Monday, September 3, 2007

The last day of summer

I know the official end of summer is a few weeks away, but today feels like the end here. For one, we went to the's last day. While it was wonderful to be there, it was chilly and the kids didn't actually swim much. We spent a cool evening playing in the backyard and biking in the cul-de-sac. Sam is beside himself with excitement for his birthday tomorrow and I am worried about the start of Freiker at Horizons tomorrow. Tonight, with my 2 remaining humongous zucchini, I baked 2 loves of zucchini bread and 4+ dozen Oatmeal Zucchini Chocolate Chip cookies. We are OUT of everything but kale and green & yellow wax beans. I sent Ted to school with a cucumber chain for his fruit/veggie. Geesh! Below are links to Sam's bday presents. I'm not sure that these are all typical presents for a 4 year old, but we are pretty darn certain that he will love them all.

A K'Nex set that he's loved playing with at his friend Adam's.

A set of 4 clone troopers he loved playing with in Iowa with his cousins Max & Henry.

A crocodile Playmobil set that he would have loved last Hanukkah but we didn't end up giving it to him, so he gets it now.

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