Monday, January 7, 2008

Big Girl Update

So, at pick up today, Mae was "hiding" just like the other Caterpillars. SOOO cute! According to her teachers, she didn't speak at all but didn't seem sad, just reserved. She pooped on the potty, so I guess no worries there. hee. She was so proud of herself.
After a quick nap, all 3 kids had the dentist, and Mae had Big Girl Moment #2: going into the dentist's back room by herself! (6 months ago she screamed bloody murder while getting a little exam on my lap.) She did great! No cavities, still has the severe underbite and the worry that 1 of her 4 2-year molars seems stuck (puffy gums but still not through.) Otherwise, she looks good! Cutie. She was pretty excited about her new toothbrush too.
Sam looks fine and Ted has 3 new cavities in between his teeth (read: bad parental flossing ... oy, the guilt). I sure wish we had Dental Insurance!!

Tonight I'm cooking a delicious-looking (CSA beans, buttercup, onions & garlic) Lentil Buttercup soup with some Paratha (naan-esque). It smells heavenly. **Update to say, this soup is fantastic! I swore up and down while peeling and dicing this squash (WAY more labor-intensive than just roasting the darn thing for an hour!) but I wanted to follow the recipe first. I think in the future I'll just roast it after all, but this is an exquisite soup. I used her suggested spices of ginger, coriander, cumin and cardamom. This soup is the clincher: buttercup is officially my favorite squash. It's just so sweet and rich on its own ... mmm! While chopping (and muttering), I managed to end up with 8 extra cups of chopped buttercup, so we can have this delicious gem of a soup 3 more times. YUM!!

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