Saturday, May 24, 2008

2008 Reunion

It is so wonderful to see everyone (10 out of 11 families) again! Not only are the girls SO much fun this year, but Amber has a GORGEOUS little brother, Joshua, almost 2, from Taiwan. He is so beautiful and FUN! He hangs out with the girls just fine. Mae was VERY shy and clingy on Friday night and was similarly withdrawn on Saturday. I think it's a bit overwhelming for her. But she talks about it with enthusiasm, just can't quite bring herself to jump in to the fray.

I spent the morning cooking for Sunday's vegan feast! Here's the menu. Mmm. I love brunch!

POTS of coffee
Apple juice
Orange Juice
Peach Coffee Cake
Siena Muffins (almond/orange-esque)
Tempeh Hashbrown Casserole
Spinach & Sun-Dried Tomato Frittata
Watermelon chunks
Sliced Strawberries

Here is a cute pic of Sam in the jumpy castle with Addie. Addie LOVED Sam. And Ted, for that matter. She is a rough and tumble little girl and had a BLAST with them.

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