Thursday, November 6, 2008

I got a church gig!

How exciting! This choral thing is paying off...literally! I've been hired as an alto in an octet singing for Xmas Eve at St. Augustine's Church. 3 rehearsals and the mass itself. I have 2 more services lined up with Temple Sinai and Opera Colorado should contact me in January, if they want me. Here's to lots of fun singing!

In celebration, I bought myself an iTouch. I know, I know. I'm embarrassed at my consumerism (Afluenza, anyone?) but I've been drooling over the iPhone for over a year. I've done lots of research, and decided the lowest memory iTouch would still give me everything I wish I had when out of the house all day (namely, email and directions, not to mention the fun stuff like YouTube and games!)

Paul is recovering but still drained. Mae still has a low-grade fever but is acting fine. Sam and I are still unaffected, so far. What a week! I haven't had any free time to myself since Monday. At least I had Monday (til 3pm, when Ted burst out of his classroom and ran to the bushes to throw up). It was a lovely day. Oh well. There's always next week!

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