Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 Resolutions

I have a few resolutions for 2009, all in the same vein and all for the same purpose: simplicity. In some areas, this means simplicity in our home (consistent de-cluttering, not buying new, small daily routines to keep the house clean, crock pot meals, etc) and in other areas, this means simplicity in my daily life. I need more calm, more routine, more structure. I did very well this summer, when the kids were in camp almost every morning. I do well with a few hours alone in the morning. I get my run in, my laundry started, my dinner prepped, and some light cleaning done. But when the little ones aren't at preschool, or on weekends, it all falls apart. 

Thus, my 2009 resolutions:
  • Wake up at 6:30am. 
  • Decide on, if not prepare, that night's dinner.
  • Get laundry started and kids up and fed. Don't forget vitamins!
  • Run or walk with Ole every single day. No exceptions but illness.
  • Since we will probably sell this house in the first half of the year, keep the house in order by doing a little bit every day.
  • Do not buy anything new. Buy used, borrow or do without (huge exception here is the kids' birthdays.)
  • Continue with the 2K/month savings plan. 
  • Clean out the freezer of CSA meals by April 1. This requires nothing more than planning my meals: defrosting a pre-made meal and popping it into the crock pot in the hard can that be?! 
  • Learn to sew. I want to make my own gift bags, re-attach a button, hem or take in/let out waistbands, and other simple things that I should know how to do, rather than buy more.
  • Keep our budget updated. I'm using PearBudget (Quicken is what Paul prefers, but I like the planning Pear does for you.)
The kids have some fun stuff going on next year. Mae is going to take a break from Gymnastics, but will keep swimming with Judy. Sam too. Sam is also going to start piano lessons with Bestemor. Ted is going to continue with TKD and will start Stroke School at Lakeshore with SwimAmerica. The director of SwimAmerica is also the main coach of Rock Creek Flyers, so Ted is excited to 'get ready' for the summer. I plan to get this house sold! And continue with TKD, running and perhaps squeeze in a few yoga classes. Paul is playing soccer again and has a very rigorous training program he's created. Ole plans to have a walk every day, so we'll try and help him out with that. And Orestes plans to nap every day. He's kept the same New Year's Resolution every year with great success.

Happy 2009 everyone!! 

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