Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I'm not sure if there is anything more fun for parents than to expose their child to something they love. Ted and I went to CU's production of Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" on Sunday afternoon. This opera is 2.5hours long and there are at least 3 scenes that bore me and could be cut, just to move the story along. Ted kept up a running commentary through the whole thing, mostly worried about when the witch was going to show up. But he really liked it and was 100% into it, sitting at the very front of his seat. This was his 2nd real opera, in an opera house, and "Amahl", at 45 minutes long, is certainly easier to sit through. I was so proud of him and I'm so happy that he genuinely enjoys cultural events. My mother thinks I was 4 when I saw my first "Nutcracker" and most little girls are very into ballet (at least all of Ted's girlfriends are) but I just may take him. We shall see.

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