Friday, October 21, 2005

makin' a list

Well, after days of putting it off, I finally did it. I made THE LIST. In the list are all of the things that need to get done before our referral, which should be here in LESS THAN SIX WEEKS. Holy cow. Much of it is finishing up the nursery, packing up the care package/translations, and some last minute paperwork since Paul won't be traveling. This whole week has been so busy...the only time I have to even think about the adoption is at the end of the day, and then I'm too tired to do everything. So, my new goal is to do at least one thing on my list every day, hopefully 2. It is a LONG list. First on the list is to get the Power of Attorney form notarized. Next Friday while teaching in Denver I can drop it off to be certified and have it mailed back to me. Then once it arrives here I can send it on to Mom to authenticate (thank you!!!) That is really the most important thing to do, that and gathering the last 3 years of tax returns. Erin also needs some passport photos, a xerox of her passport, more immunizations, and a doctor's note-all to be sent to CCAI before the referral. Now that the time is really ticking down I feel quite overwhelmed at all that needs to be done. One step at a time!!!

Sam has been rocking on the potty lately. I put him in a pull up when we're out and about, but he's in undies at home and isn't having accidents anymore at all. Hooray! Today our sitter took him to PALs and he peed twice and even pooped in the potty while there. I wonder when I'll be brave enough to put him in undies in public. With Ted, once he showed an interest I went whole-hog, but he was about 4 months older and seemed to get it more than Sam does. Sam's success seems almost accidental- I know, could I give the poor kid LESS credit?! Geesh! Anyway, he's doing great.

Ted has been a different kid since returning from Iowa. Less violent and angry and more cooperative and sweet. Maybe he just needed a break from preschool or something. He was pretty exhausted tonight at violin group. While I truly believe we're doing the right thing starting him early like this, tonight did have me doubting. He was so tired, and he's a good 2 years younger than the other kids, and doesn't really get some of what is going on. He did do 'a solo' tonight though. (All that means is they do something alone...My name is Ted. I will be .....) Ted did a bow, which believe it or not, has many steps. His little friend Bennet sang Mississippi Stop Stop to the Twinke tune, which was really cute. You can tell he has been listening to his big brother practice. Anyway, I hope he can keep enjoying it. He does like his group teacher alot.

Tomorrow, if it's not pouring and cold, we're planning to go to Sunflower Farm for OctoberFest, ie, picking pumpkins and enjoying the farm. It's been so cold and rainy though...I hope the sun comes out tomorrow. Then on Sunday Ted and I are going to see Erin Coats as Hansel in "Hansel & Gretel" at CU. This will be Ted's 3rd opera and 4th 'event' ("Amahl," Mostly Mozart (a Central City show) and "Peter and the Wolf.")

Stay warm, everyone!

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