Well, Paul and I are not in agreement on Mae's newest affliction. It LOOKS like hives, only 6 of them. 2 above each eyebrow and 1 on the top of each foot. ?! Paul thinks they are rub marks, on her feet from crawling and on her eyebrows from some damage she is doing to herself while she protests her naps. I don't know...they look like hives to me. They don't seem to bug her so if they are still there Monday morning I'll make my daily call to the phone nurse. Tonight was her last dose of the Z-pak. My other theory is milk. Her 'random afflictions' all began right after she began drinking milk, not formula. Yes the formula was milk-based, but it's still possible. I give all the kids only organic milk, so it can't be any weird hormones or something. Crazy. As I told my mom, no wonder there is "eastern medicine" - our Western stuff doesn't seem to be working for her at all! Next stop, hot stones or something!!
We spent a cold, rainy Saturday at the museum. We even saw the Planets show at the Planetarium. Ted loved it (Sam and Mae had to be taken out about 0.5 seconds into the show.)

Ted and I had a little date night tonight at Panera. It was cute. They have a nice Kids Meal with choice of sandwich (he chose grilled cheese), yogurt & drink (he chose apple juice). I had my first comforting soup and bread combo...I LOVE Fall and the cool weather and nothing is better than soup and bread! Yum yum. I think I'll have to make this a little tradition with Ted because it was fun. I got to make some mention of using a napkin and talking quietly in a restaurant and Ted got to tell me all about what he liked in his new Pre-K classroom. Fun stuff.
Rainy day? Soup? Bread? Date with cute son?
WOW! I'm impressed you named three of my favorite things.
I love your "Date with Ted" plan! .. And at Panera, too! .. We haven't been there since last spring. .. Sounds like a good time for confiding! .. Mom
Please tell Ted that Panera is one of Max's favorite lunch places too! He chooses the PB&J sandwich and tops his meal off (thanks to his lenient mom) with a chocolate chip muffin!
Ayi Su-Su
p.s. just wait 'til they are older; these dates get even MORE special!
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