Friday, June 20, 2008

Just call me Ma Ingalls

Today was a good one. One of the first days I've really felt ... I'd say 98%! After retrieving my bike from Stacy's, I took a pleasant ride around Rock Creek. It was still cool out and since I didn't have the kids with me, I could stay in the street where it's not as bumpy!
I got home and started the bread, then set about putting together my Wonder Wash. It was a terrible mess of plastic and I felt very guilty about it. But, it only took 1.5 gallons to wash and 0.5 to rinse, so 2 gallons in total. Pretty good. I did a small wash for my first time and it took me all of 20 minutes from start to finish (including hanging it up on the line). I can see that I'll have to use the regular washer for most of the our large loads, but on a day when I normally would skip a load and then be annoyed the next day when it had gotten too big, it'll be of great help.
After picking up Mae (Sam went to Jason's, of course), we took Ole to the dog park which he seemed to enjoy. Mae enjoyed "writing" in the sand with a stick. I enjoyed the shade of a tree. Then we ran our errands: dropping off books (scored $50+ in credit) at The Bookworm, picking up eggs, strawberries, sugar snap peas and dill at Jay Hill farms, and finally, picking Ted (and Jack) up from camp. We then changed into our swimsuits and headed out on bikes (even Mae) to Lakeshore, where the kiddos swam for hours (and ate up all the strawberries and sugar snap peas). Paul meandered by with Ole and Sam wanted to bike home with him. I think Ted, Mae and I got home around 8:30. It was great fun.
Tomorrow is the CCAI Reunion Picnic. Paul has a guys chavurah shooting/biking thing, so it'll just be me and the crew. Hope I don't lose anyone!


jack said...

Next, you'll be going down to the river to pound the clothes on a rock!

Glad you are feeling so much better. Can't wait to see the "All clear" pic one of these days. Me, not so good today.

Paid $4.21 a gallon for gas. Ugh!


Hannah said...

Ooh, what a cool gadget!