Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yummy Local Salad

Tonight's dinner was a CSA salad. CSA lettuce & beets, special Dream Share CSA fava beans, local Boulder tofu and pomegranate dressing. Mmmm. It was so hot today plus we walked/biked to get some local Boulder beer so we were extra hot when we returned.

Ted's been really enjoying RMDC. He got the Spirit Award last Monday and this Monday, which means he was very into all the sports and was a good listener, etc. I'm so glad he's liking it so much.

Mae and Sam (aka Mr. Biker) are getting very sandy and dirty at JCC Camp and having lots of fun. They've been biking alot too. Mae is really something on that trike.

Today we spent the morning at the pool with Randi, my 'mother's helper' on Tuesdays this summer. LOVE her! She entertained Mae so I could play with Sam or chat with Lisa, her mom. Good times. This should be a good week. I've been running about 3 miles on MWF and it feels good and relaxing. Very therapeutic. I've been contemplating doing a raw food diet for a month or so. It's supposed to be very cancer-fighting, not to mention invigorating. We'll see. I like the idea of it as a short term "boost the body's immune system" thing, but I know I couldn't do it full time. I'll let you know!

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