Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sam is NINE!

Well, this is hard for me to take. Sam is nine years old today. Nine! Nine is OLD! Nine is no longer a little kid. Wow! When did this happen?!

1 year old
Here's the Sam I remember.

The incredibly fussy baby with the cutest dimples...

the thoroughly frustrated toddler with a unique accent all his own (Ay nah too = I don't want to.)...

the surprisingly sweet little boy who cuddled and snuggled like no one else...

and now, the silly yet kind big kid who cares about everyone and never wants anyone to feel hurt or left out. His compassion inspires me.

Sam's in the red circle on the right.
Two days before his birthday we all went to hear and see Obama speak at CU. Sam was determined to really see him, while the rest of us were happy with a shady spot on the grass. He pushed and squeezed his way up to the front and actually got to SHAKE THE POTUS' HAND! Well played, Sam. Well played.

When Sam sets out to do something, it will get done. Whether it's writing a book, illustrating a book, mining for crystal in the front yard, or creating imaginary worlds in Minecraft, he is a person that gets things done. What a great quality to have!

We all love you so much Sam-a-lamb! Happy birthday to you!

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