Monday, September 11, 2006

Birthday cupcakes at preschool

This pic is from last Wednesday when Sam brought cupcakes to school for his birthday. It is a no-nut school and also no eggs in his class, but I've found lots of ways around it and these were YUMMY.

Mae had her first Tiny Tumblers class today. She was pretty grouchy (probably from lack 'o nap) but I think she's going to enjoy it, especially when they have some swinging action. A Chinese woman with an adorable little girl named Angela approached me and asked if I had adopted her through CCAI. When I said yes she said she had adopted Angela (16 months) too. She speaks Cantonese to her. How cool! There was another Asian woman there with a little boy. Whenever either of these women would speak to Mae she would scream and throw herself down on the floor. Hmm. She and Angela also screamed blue murder at each other for possesion of the slide. Crazy!! She napped for Karin and had a nice morning with Henry.

I've found a child psychologist for Ted-woo hoo! She sounds really really nice. I'll meet her next Wednesday and 'interview' her, but I like her already. The boys had preschool and then music enrichment so I didn't get a report on Ted today, but he seemed cheerful. Both boys napped today (!) and played beautifully all evening. Ahh...

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