Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yee haw!

We survived another birthday party! Whew! It was really fun. When we got there to meet the jumpy castle guy at 9am, it was FREEZING, cloudy and threatening rain. It wasn't in the forecast, so we just hoped it would blow over. The party started at 10 and by 10:30 it was beautiful. Sometimes the sun can be too much in that park, so the clouds kept it at a perfect temperature. Everyone seemed to enjoy the jumpy castle and no one got hurt (or stung by a bee!) The cake was fun and the pinata much easier to break than last year. All in all, a fabulous day, perfect for a 3 year old and all his buddies!


Anonymous said...

Doesnt look like a Nemo birthday cake to me, but the lobster pinata is stunning!
Love, Aunt Jayne

Anonymous said...

Paul has certainly surpassed his personal best of last year! .. What a gorgeous lobster! .. Great party! .. Mom

Anonymous said...

Kuddos on the lobster! That looks amazing. Care to make us a Lightening McQueen one? :) Glad to hear that everyone had a great time after such a rough week! ..Tracey