Saturday, September 9, 2006

Our Cricket

This morning was our first day of Chinese School. Mae is in the Crickets (Koorogi) class. There are 4 other girls, all adopted, and one boy with Chinese parents. Mae's teacher JuanJuan is incredibly sweet and energetic. Her mother was visiting and she was so nice. She cooed and cooed over Mae, calling her "piao" (pretty) over and over and patting her cheeks. She wanted to take her from me but Mae would have none of that. It was so nice to see this sweet woman cooing over my daughter, calling her beautiful. Reminded me a lot of China, actually. JuanJuan spoke almost entirely in Mandarin and Mae was completely transfixed the entire time. We learned the numbers 1-10 and a little song that uses them. Very cute.

This afternoon, she amazed us all with her newfound skill. Sam noticed it first and brought it to my attention. Here are the "prep" and "go" pics:

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