Friday, September 8, 2006

He's OK!

Well, hooray for Prednisone, in spite of the crazy side effects (and I thought he was wild BEFORE! ha!) We went back for Ted's re-check and his O2 levels are at 94. Woo hoo! She said to keep him on the Prednisone just through Saturday, continue the other nebs through the winter, and that his ear was on the mend. Apparently the weird antibiotic white bitter stuff is actually the best for lungs, so Dr. Mead was killing 2 birds with one stone there, which I appreciate. But, it is NASTY stuff. Funny thing, we go back on Tuesday for Sam's 3 year Well Check.

I am going to be honored on Rosh HaShanah with my very first aliyah! I am nervous and excited...and scared! I found a buyer for my Thomas tickets and we will try and go the week before. Today was a very hard day with Ted, due to the meds I'm sure. I took a long walk tonight and was able to get a grip. Tomorrow we'll be preparing for the big party on Sunday!!

Oh, and the pic...just another reminder that Mae is turning into a toddler. Poor Ole-another year of being fed after bedtime! She also took 2 steps today in the kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shayna found Nelly's bowl in the kitchen a month or so ago. There is no stopping them now. Beth